2025 VJMC National Rally Registrations

You will need to enter your Credit Card details through our secure Stripe Payment system (PREFERRED)


Registered entrants to date 141  -  Total people attending 187 - Registered for Saturday Dinner 159
Dinner has a maximum capacity of 275. Don't leave it too late, register now!




To be held at Nuriootpa, in the Barossa Valley, South Australia on 14th, 15th and 16th March 2025

Rally entry form is available online at vjmc.org.au (preferred), online secure card payments can be made. Form can be saved part way through and continued later if you have a query. Postal, Direct Deposits and cheque are still catered for those without computer access, with a hard copy of the entry form in the December issue of the VJMC Magazine.

As an added incentive for VJMC members to attend the 2025 National Rally, your rally registration will include
1 FREE Raffle Ticket per registration
(VJMC members only – a NATCOM funded incentive)

with a substantial
1st prize of a Yamaha TT-R110E, kindly supplied by
Yamaha Australia in conjunction with Yamaha Pitmans
one of our Major Sponsors, Valued at $3,500.
2nd Prize AMX Store voucher to the value of $400, and
3rd Prize AMX Store voucher to the value of $200.

For those non-members contemplating joining the VJMC, here is a golden opportunity to save $20 on your Rally Registration AND get a FREE raffle ticket by becoming a member before registering.

Rally registration enquiries: rallyreg@vjmc.org.au 0408 839 805

We also have a new “Best Bike” trophy available this year for those that ride their bikes to the rally.
If you’ve ridden over 300km to get to the rally, you’re eligible, complete with your road grime, and bug splatters.
See entry form “Motorcycle Details” section.

There will be a special trophy for the "Best Honda Goldwing" to mark its
50 years since being first released in 1975. A separate display area at Saturday’s show and shine has been allocated to showcase these bikes.


The Rally Hub is the Big4 Barossa Tourist Park, Penrice Road, Nuriootpa, SA 5355.

Phone 08 8562 1404 or email info@barossatouristpark.com.au

We suggest that you phone for booking as we have booked the whole park,
a lot of bookings have been made already, directly after the 2024 Rally, so be quick.

They have 17 cabins that sleep 4, 7 cabins that sleep 2, 7 cabins that sleep 5, 8 cabins that sleep 6 and 1 cabin that sleeps 7.  Make sure that you quote the VJMC Rally and there will be a discount.

Alternate accommodation is at the Vine Inn Community Hotel, Murray Street, Nuriootpa.
They have 12 motel-style rooms.  Phone 08 8562 2133 or email functions@vineinn.com.au

The Vine Court Motel is situated 350 metres north of the Vine Inn and Reception facilities for check in and out are located at the Vine Inn. Accommodation for the Saturday 15 March 2025. Other days and dates may vary.

Tariffs (room only rates)

* 12 x Vine Inn Executive 4 Star Motel Rooms

     Double or Twin Share (1-2 persons)               $143.10 per night per room

Please note: some rooms are located on the ground floor & 12 are accessible via stairs.

* 13 x Vine Court Standard Motel Rooms

    Double or Twin Share (1-2 persons)               $117.00 per night per room

Bedding Configurations:

All ground floor

* 11 x Vine Court Deluxe 4 Star Self Contained Apartments

    7 x One Bedroom (1-2 ppl)  $148.50 per night per apartment - (1 queen bed)

    3 x Two Bedroom (2-4 ppl)  $202.50 per night per apartment (either 2 queens or 1 queen & 2 singles)

All ground floor

The Discovery Park Barossa Valley, 1F Murray Street, Tanunda,
is our overflow venue with Cabins and Powered Van and Camping sites located only 9km from the Rally Hub, via a direct route.
Phone 08 8218 5505 to book.  Make sure that you mention you are here for the VJMC Rally, and they will give you a discount rate.
Email barossa@discoveryparks.com.au

There are many small cottages for rent in the Valley.  For information, contact the Barossa Visitor Centre, Murray Street, Tanunda, on 1300 852 982 or email visitorcentre@barossa.sa.gov.au

The Rally

Friday 14th March 2025

The Rally will begin with Registration at the Hub, on Friday 14th, starting at 2.00pm and ending at 6.00pm. There will be a BBQ dinner, supplied by the Lions Club, starting at 7.00pm. Lanyard required.

For those attending that are not staying at the Park itself, MOTORCYCLE ONLY ACCESS will be through the small visitors carpark at the left of the boomgates, this has a bollard in the middle of it so there will be no vehicle access.

For those wanting vehicle access, you may be able to find a park out the front of the BIG4 Park or if you take the driveway prior to the entrance, this will take you into the netball/football club carpark, if this is full, follow the drive to the bend (Scout Hall) parking along this stretch under the trees should be better. Bit of a walk around the oval to Rally Central. The netball/football club may have practice that night so it will be a busy area.

Saturday 15th March 2025

Saturday morning, a breakfast supplied by the Lions Club will start at 8.00am (Lanyard required), followed by a ride around the district, stopping at the Barossa Machinery Preservation Society, Angaston Railway Precinct. Morning tea is included in entry.

The riders then return to the Coulthard Park (adjacent to the Hub) for the Show and Shine. 
There will be a chicken and salad lunch supplied by the Lions Club (Lanyard required). Ice Cream, Drinks and a Sausage Sizzle or similar will be available for the Public.

The Saturday evening dinner is at the Vine Inn, Nuriootpa, starting at 7.00pm (Lanyard Required). Can enter from the front or rear entrances. The distance between the Hub and the Vine Inn is about 700 metres, via a riverside route, or along the main street, an easy walking distance.

The dinner is strictly limited to 270 patrons and the awards will be presented during the evening.

Please wear your Lanyard for checking in on entry and for raffle ticket as your "lanyard is your raffle ticket".

Wine BYO corkage available at $10 a bottle, pay at bar.

Sunday 16th March 2025

The Sunday morning breakfast will start at 7.30am (Lanyard required), allowing more time for AGM.

The AGM will take place at the Football Clubrooms, about 100 metres from the eating area.
The ride will leave at around 11.00am. It will be a route through the hills coming in the back way at Truro, arriving about noon.

There will be free entry to the Eric Parker Collection at Truro (nice collection of Ariel motorcycles and Chevrolet cars). This collection has recently moved to these new premises,
so some organising will still be happening. Vehicle parking will be adjacent to the building.

A lunch will be provided (Lanyard required) by the Greenock Auxiliary for the Womens and Childrens Hospital, within the Collection grounds.

The day will be a free day for visitors to wander the extensive Collection or take in a stroll up
the main street of Truro, taking in some curio shops and an excellent bakery.

When leaving the Collection, you can start your return journey home, or return to Nuriootpa via the Sturt Highway.

A Stragglers Dinner will be held in the evening (very well attended in previous years), again at the Vine Inn, but with a-la-carte menu and payment on the night.


We are able to hold the Rally Entry to $50.00 for a member, and $70.00 for a non-member, same price as the 2024 Rally. In order to keep the Saturday evening meal at a reasonable cost, it will be a two-plate drop with a main course and dessert.

We hope to have the rally registration form ready on the website around October, emails sent and hard copy for the December issue of the VJMC Magazine, but that shouldn’t stop anyone making accommodation arrangements now.

Remember, in South Australia we have Mad March, with the Fringe and the Adelaide Festival, and, returning this year, the Adelaide Motorsport Festival, with the new Gather Round in early April.


Book Early – Stay Longer!


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